
Sunday, October 7, 2012

China day eight08 ! 06th Oct.

Haven't gotten up to much again today. Just stayed home playing games and stuff. :/ watched a but of tv and what came up was this old man in a superman suit with a black cape... How awkward. Lol. Took a little stroll around the village and stalked a few kids. Lolol. My brother has more friends than I do in china. How depressing. I didn't take pictures cause I forgot my phone and camera. Maybe tomorrow I'll have some good pictures up. ;3 Oh, We saw this lizard like thingy climbing the walls of my uncles house. It was pretty cool! Too bad I couldn't take a picture. D;

So I also found out I gave multiple bruises on my body. I don't know how it happened... It's just there. :/
Crazy thing.
Anyways, this is basically it.

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