
Thursday, October 4, 2012

China day five05&six06 ! 03rd&04th Oct.

Sorry, got tired and too lazy to post yesterday. ><
On the 03rd of October morning, we had breakfast at KFC. i know. so unhealthy, but it's inevitable when you're overseas. We did so much more shopping. We ended up spending 03k in total, but the thing is, we barely bought anything now that we look back on it. We have a few pants, a few shirts, dresses, and other stuff and from the looks of it, it could probably only fill up half a suitcase. :/ I guess it's quality over quantity. Especially in China. (;
Around noon we had lunch in the main city and while that happened, this couple that was obviously not Asian also had lunch, and I don't think they could speak much Chinese or even read the characters, so why out of all places come to such a rural like place? =.=
Anyways, after that we went for a little hunt for a van or something that could take us home, on the way, we saw this jewelry shop that was selling zodiac animals made from some sort of material that looked like gold. We had thought to buy it for grandmothers birthday present but we didn't know what animal she was. Smart. Lol, so we ended up buying her a new TV.
Anyways, after the long walk to find a van, we gave up and took a cab. The ride was quite long but we got home eventually.
After that, we didn't do much. Had dinner and chatted my mates then went sleep basically.

On the 06th of October (today), we practically did N O T H I N G. Lazed around at home, was finally able to hop on Skype on the laptop and then I started talking to friends. Had so much fun until they decided to go bed. Curse the time zone difference and etc. =.=
I guess, after that, I played a bit of games with my family, like badminton, soccer and basketball under the bloody hot sun. >< took a cold shower and that was amazing!
Was watching the weather forecast for tomorrow and it seems it'll be 32 degrees here in en ping and like, 18 degrees in New Zealand! I'm so jealous! I so want to be at home right now!
Anyways, I started getting super itchy again, and man, when I say this I'm so not joking. I've had at least SIX different medicine/ointment and everything else put on me and it ain't helping. OMgosh. This is just painful. Lol

That's it for these past two days.
Most pictures are in the camera. Sorry. ><
I've noticed I haven't posted a picture of myself, it's probably cause I've been looking so tragic, but "Hi(:"

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